Hello everyone, hope that you and your family are all safe and virus free. Although many things are not yet clear about a possible 2021 season, we have decided to make a regular registration for returning players.
The City of Dollard is awaiting further government guidance for the 2021 season. Baseball and softball are only allowed to train with 8 people and no games or tournaments are scheduled at this time. I hope we can play this season. One of our problems is only 55% of our players live in Dollard and the first priority for the fields goes to Dollard Amateur Baseball Association. When I get updates on our season, I will pass the info on to everyone
I started the registration process. Please fill out the form and send it back to me as soon as possible also the payment will be due by May 1, 2021. For Dollard residents fees will be $90.00 and for non-residents $100.00. You can pay in installments if you wish before the May 1 deadline. All forms and fees not received before May 1, 2021 will not be accepted and your place will be given to a new player.
If we don't play this season, there will be a full refund. Let me know if you don't come back or if you want to be traded. Please give me some choice if you want to be traded. We are always looking for umps and markers as well as people for the banquet committee if you are interested let me know.
An e-mail package was sent to each 2019 player in March. If your email has changed since the 2019 season, or if you haven't seen the email in question and its attachments, please contact me.
All new players must be evaluated before being placed on a team. I'll do my best to put your friends on your team, but I can't promise it because I need to look at availability for each team as returning players have priority.
Let's all hope that a safe 2021 season can be played this year.
I hope to see everyone on the field very soon.
Chad Rabkin
DMSL President